Commissioned to promote ACBS World Conference 15
Dr Bennett has been asked by the Association of Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS) to host a series of podcasts with key contributors to their 15th World Conference in Seville this coming June. The series will be entitled '15 in 15' and will comprise a series of 15 minute interviews with some of the world's most influential figures from across the different areas of ACBS. Amongst those lined up are the co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Steven Hayes, leading Relational Frame Theory researcher, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, and the foremost proponents of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, Mavis Tsai and Bob Kohlenberg
ACBS World Conference 15 in Seville, Spain
Steve Hayes' first TED talk
Yvonne Barnes-Holmes on Google Scholar