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Research and Publications


Johnson, D. & Bennett, R. (2023). Acceptance & Commitment Therapy: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions. Abingdon: Routledge

Turner, M.J., Wood, A., Boatwright, D., Chadha, N., Jones, J.K. & Bennett, R. (2021). Assessing beliefs about emotion generation and change: The conceptualisation, development, and validation of the Cognitive Mediation Beliefs Questionnaire (CMBQ), Psychotherapy Research, (DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2020.1871524)

Oliver, J. & Bennett, R. (2020). The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Self-esteem. Oakland: New Harbinger

Rabey, M., Catley, M., Vowles, K., Appleton, Bennett, R. & McAuley, J. (2020). Development and preliminary validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire for Clinicians. Scandinavian Journal of Pain (published online 23/07/2020)

Turner, M., Aspin, G., Didymus, F., Mack, R., Olusoga, P., Wood, A. & Bennett, R (2020). One case, four approaches: The application of psychotherapeutic approaches in sport psychology. The Sport Psychologist, 34(1), 71-78

Bennett, R. & Oliver, J. (2019). Acceptance & Commitment Therapy - 100 Key Points and Techniques. Abingdon: Routledge

Turner, M. & Bennett, R. (Eds) (2017). Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in Sport and Exercise. Abingdon: Routledge.

Bennett, R. (2017) From esteem to acceptance: contemporary perspectives on the self. Psychotherapy Section Review, 59, 8-15.

Bennett, R. & Pearson, L. (2015). Group Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy for paranoia. In Meaden, A. & Fox, A. (Eds.) Innovations in psychosocial interventions for psychosis: working with the hard to reach. Hove: Routledge

Bennett, R., Ramakrishna, V. & Maganty, D. (2011). Management of disturbed behaviour in a medium secure intensive care unit: views of staff on options for intervention (Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, 7(2), 85-89)

Bennett, R, Mason, O., Watson, D. & Jones, J. (2003). Is alexithymia associated with a perceptual sensitivity to affective stimuli? (doctoral thesis, University of Birmingham)

Bennett, R. & Mason, O. (2003). Neurocognitive correlates of alexithymia: a review. (doctoral thesis, University of Birmingham)

Conference Presentations

Johnson, D. & Bennett, R. (2020). Live with Awareness, Courage and Love Meetups: Using Functional Analytic Psychotherapy to Enhance Social Connection Within Communities (4th UK & Ireland ACT/CBS Conference, Online, oral presentation)

Oliver, J. & Bennett, R. (2020). Mindfulness and Acceptance for Self-Esteem: Using metaphor to build a healthy relationship with the self (4th UK & Ireland ACT/CBS Conference, Online, oral presentation)

Barnes-Holmes, Y., Bennett, R., Gillard, D., Jackson-Brown, F & Oliver, J. (2019) Clinical Applications of Relational Frame Theory: Assessment and Formulation Using Deictic Frames - A Case Series Analysis (Association for Contextual Behavioural Sciences World Conference 17, symposium)

Bennett, R. & Kjelgaard, R. (2019). The Head, Hands and Heart of Self-as-context. (Association for Contextual Behavioural Sciences World Conference 17, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. (2019). Using Values to ACTivate Your Practice (BABCP conference, Bath, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. (2018). Don’t Believe Everything You Think. (BPS Midlands conference, invited keynote address)

Bennett, R. & Lucas, J. (2018). Using Values to ACTivate Your Practice (BABCP conference, Glasgow, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. & Oliver, J. (2017). Promoting Self-acceptance: A Metaphor Development Workshop (Association of Contextual Behavioural Sciences World Conference 15, oral presentation)

Barnes-Holmes, Y., Bennett, R., Boorman, J, Oliver, J. & Thompson, M. (2017). Clinical RFT in Practice: An interactive video demonstration. (Association of Contextual Behavioural Sciences World Conference 15, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. & Oliver, J. (2017). Using Values to ACTivate Your Practice (BABCP conference, Manchester, oral presentation)

Barnes-Holmes, Y., Bennett, R., Boorman, J, Oliver, J. & Thompson, M. (2016). Clinical RFT in Practice: An interactive video demonstration. (3rd UK & Ireland ACT/CBS Conference, Edinburgh, oral presentation)

Morris, E., Walser, R., Gillanders, D. & Bennett, R. (2016). Supervision & Training: What can contextual science bring? (3rd UK & Ireland ACT/CBS Conference, Edinburgh, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. & Oliver, J. (2016). ACTivating Your Practice: An Introductory Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Workshop. (3rd UK & Ireland ACT/CBS Conference, Edinburgh, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. (2015). Self-acceptance: The compassionate alternative to self-esteem (Association of Contextual Behavioural Sciences World Conference 13, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. (2015). Why I don’t want to raise self-esteem (Association of Contextual Behavioural Sciences World Conference 13, oral presentation)

Bennett, R. & Kaur, P. (2014). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A South Asian user’s perspective (42nd British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies Conference, poster presentation)

Bennett, R., Ramakrishna, V. & Maganty, D. (2009). Management of disturbed behaviour/violence in a medium secure intensive care unit: views of staff on the choice of intervention (Royal College of Psychiatrists Conference, poster presentation)

Bennett, R. (2008). Implementing a single team model of care on a medium secure intensive care unit: an evaluation of a six-month pilot project (5th National Conference of Research in Medium Secure Units, oral presentation)